There seems to be a resurgence in the “does certification kill adventure” debate lately. I really have no opinion on that, to be honest. I do want to say a few words about being able to roll a kayak. To me this is the biggest point that sea kayakers obsess over. To many, It is like some vaunted club that unlocks the secret levels of kayaking. I only sort of agree.
I (re)discovered kayaking as an adult and I have a confession to make. I suck at rolling a kayak. I practice every week, I can hammer out the basic rolls (front and back deck), I have even became pretty confident rolling in conditions. How did it happen? Blood, sweat, tears and a healthy dose of emotion. Why was it so difficult? I don’t know. But it was, and it took a lot of work to get where I am now. I want to say to all of the kayakers out there without a roll: “Take a deep breath, it’s ok.”

Why do we learn to roll a kayak? For me it was two reasons. First, it became clear that it was the fastest way to self rescue. Secondly, it looks cool to non-kayakers. For the vast majority of kayakers who will never be interested in surfing, moving water and standing waves, it is a luxury item. It can be replaced with intelligent trip planning, a rock solid self rescue or even better, paddle with a partner and dial in an assisted rescue.

So why do we obsess over it as a measure of access to events? I don’t. I will still paddle with you if you can’t roll. I will go surfing with you at Pleasant Beach, I will go kayak camping with you on Georgian Bay. What matters to me is passion, an attitude towards safety on the water and willingness to have a good time. We can adjust trip plans to suit the needs of the group. We can’t and shouldn’t adjust people’s desire to grow.

Now that I have that off my chest. Yes, you should probably learn. There is something about it. It can be relaxing, it can be infuriating. It is a great workout. For most adults it is not easy. It takes dedication, flexibility, concentration and practice. It will take time, do not get discouraged. I have been there and I sympathize.

Here is my timeline:
Season 1
- Pool water sucks far worse than cold water (buy some ear plugs).
- If I see one more 15 year old roll a kayak on the first day I am buying a bloody canoe.
Season 2
- Peer mentorship is amazingly awesome.
- Even if they suck but have a good heart.
- Coaching is worth it. It won’t however, replace practice.
- Once you start nailing your first roll (layback right side) you don’t have to wet exit, empty and re enter every time.
- It becomes much less exhausting.
- All of a sudden you are getting it every time. You did it. This is a major life event. Mark your calendar and celebrate.
- Back to earth, start on the left side. Why is this so hard, I can’t get it.
- But you can roll up on your good side after you fail.
- You don’t realize it yet but you are practicing rolling in real conditions.
- Holy crow you got the left side.
- Peer mentorship is amazingly awesome.
Season 3
- You try kayak surfing and get a major beat down. WTF my roll doesn’t work here.
- You try again
- You try again
- You try again
- Contemplate board surfing
Season 4
- You go surfing and get smashed, You roll up and surf in. You don’t even realize it but your crew is cheering. Holy shit.
- You try to roll in current.
- Yard Sale
- You try to roll in current.
- Yard Sale
- You try to roll in current.
- Yard Sale
- You try to roll in current.
- Yard Sale
- You try to roll in current.
- You realize laybacks suck.
- You try a forward finishing roll.
- You layback and fall in x100 times
- You finally nail it. FUGGGG YES YOU DID!

That is the reality of rolling a kayak for me. I am not ashamed of it, I earned every bit of that pathway with determination. It is not easy. I have much to learn and I welcome the challenge.
If you are interested in supporting Kayak Ontario, please do so by attending our kayaking lessons (clinics, classes and events). To find more information, please visit our shop by clicking here
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